&hint1=I am a carving from c.400& &hint2=I am made of ivory& &hint3=I included certain anachronistic elements& &hint4=I depict the tomb from which Christ was said to have risen& &choices=Reliquary statue of abbey church of Sainte Foy;Interior view toward east, abbey church of Sainte Foy;Abbey Church of Sainte Foy;Holy Women at the Tomb;Plan of the Abbey church of Sainte Foy;Plan of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher& &answer=Holy Women at the Tomb& &search=Holy Women at the Tomb& &title=Holy Women at the Tomb& &artist=& &medium=Ivory& &date=c.400& &location=Castello Sforzesco, Milan, Italy& &dimensions=height 2'2 3/5"&